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We at Brackley Community Hospital are so grateful to Brackley Community Hospitals 2020 Trust for help with funding for this equipment and resources to benefit the patient’s rehabilitation journey.

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In 1990 the National Health Service decided that the much-loved Brackley Cottage Hospital was no longer viable and needed to be closed. The residents of the town and its surrounding villages, however, had other ideas, and, spearheaded by the then Town Mayor of Brackley, George Britchfield, an ambitious project began to “save the Cottage”. A charitable trust, of which George became the first chairman, was set up to run the hospital thanks to public donations, subscriptions and legacies. There were some private nursing home beds and others which were rented to the NHS for intermediate care. In spite of many pressures, this continued for 25 years until it proved impossible to recruit sufficient trained permanent staff to ensure the safe working of the hospital, and a sad decision was taken to close its doors on 31 March 2015.
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First Contact Physiotherapists at Brackley Medical Centre and Springfield Surgery respectively, were both delighted to receive anatomical demonstration models funded by Brackley Community Hospital 2020 Trust. The models will be used to explain to patients at the two surgeries the nature of their musculo-skeletal problems and the treatment plans. Caryl Billingham , Chair of the Trust said “All our income was freely given by residents of Brackley and the surrounding villages. It is only right that we are able to use some of these funds to give back to the community equipment that will benefit their recovery and their future care”.
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The Brackley Community Hospital 2020 Trust is keen to keep its supporters and all local residents as well informed as possible. However, in order to inform you all, it is first necessary for us to know things!
We were asked to hand over the public contribution towards the new piece of kit at the end of March and this was done - £90,000. We knew that the machine was delivered onsite at the end of May but we also knew that it would not be immediately operational – commissioning and training would be required first. A decision was therefore made not to publicise the machine’s existence too soon.
An update received yesterday is that there is some connectivity work still to be done between Brackley and Northampton before it can become operational. This is a communications issue and requires the application of IT specialists. The trustees were able to visit the x-ray room yesterday and see that the equipment really does exist.
However, we have to be patient and wait for all the cogs to drop into place before it can come into regular use for us all. And we have to bear in mind that this equipment will be used only for diagnostic and not for emergency x-rays.
In the meantime, this message is the latest information that is available. There is nobody working in any part of the Brackley Medical Centre And Community Hospital on Wellington Road who knows any more, so further details are not yet available.
As soon as we can bring you more news, rest assured we will.